
The PALISADE community has merged the PALISADE project into the next-gen OpenFHE open-source FHE software library.  OpenFHE has all of the features of PALISADE, merged with selected capabilities of HElib and HEAAN.  

We invite you to check out the OpenFHE library at  You can also mail the OpenFHE community leaders at

Our community is committed to making security bug fixes in PALISADE, but primary development in PALISADE is moving to OpenFHE.

The PALISADE user manual for the current stable release is available here. The user manual, though updated each release is a constant work in progress. It tries to be accessible to the novice user, but it does assume a large amount of working knowledge in lattice cryptography, specifically with respect to the published schemes and their operators. As such the documentation for various operators and encodings is often lacking detail.

Installation instructions and further technical documentation for the stable release are available on the PALISADE git repository wiki here.

Similar documentation for the current development release (1.11.2) can be found in the development repository here.

The source for this documentation currently isn’t in the repository, so please send any suggestions for improvement to us at

or one of us at